Welcome to our CAMS webpage! If you’d like to discuss the focus of CAMS and/or you are considering joining, please peruse the site, or speak to one of our CAMS Executive members.
The OPP Civilian Association of Managers and Specialists (CAMS) had a significant year in 2019. Established in the Fall of 2015, complete with an Executive and a Constitution, CAMS’ main focus for four years was resolving its applications before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. A group of predominantly women, CAMS advocated for equity in the OPP in relation to compensation, learning and promotional opportunities, and culture.
In August of 2019, a resolution between CAMS, the OPP and the Ontario Government was achieved. We are excited to be recognized as a voluntary Association, and to be working collaboratively with the OPP and its partner Associations, the OPP Association and the Commissioned Officers Association.